All in Category 1

#RoundTableChat | Prayer for America {Playback}

We’re so grateful to all of you who were able to join us in prayer last night! We had a powerful time! My sisters Jessica Baker, Jenae McFarland, Charity Porter, and Gospel singer and Glam Camp for Girls founder, Melinda Watts joined me for this “shut-in” and boy did we pray! To be honest, I’ve NEVER heard my sis Jenae pray like that and we’ve been praying together for a LONG time! We’re so grateful to all of you who joined us for the entire time or even for a moment. And if you missed the call, then you can listen now! We know that there is no distance or time in prayer.

Judging the Prophetic Series: Establishing the Nature of the Spirit

As promised, here is the Judging the Prophetic Series! I was noticing an utter lack of understanding on the part of the masses when it came to judging the prophetic and an utter lack of training and abuse when it came to many (though not all or most I dare say) who prophesy, therefore I wanted to create a series to help us - prophets and receivers of prophetic ministry - judge our motives and words more carefully. I'm most grateful to Dr. Belinda John of Shulamite Women Community Magazine running my series on her platform! Enjoy, share, but most of all, learn.

Are God & Christianity Responsible for the Gay Club Shooting in Orlando?

So many questions are floating in the minds and burning into the hearts of Americans everywhere regarding the recent shooting by a Muslim man in Orlando, FL. Some people are flying rainbow flags in solidarity with the LGBQT community while some Christians are saying what happened was the judgement of God. And just last night, a cousin of mine informed me that “In the U.S., most violence on the gay community is perpetrated by Christians.” There is obviously some confusion on this point (to say the least), so allow me to clarify.

Dealing with Spiritual Terrorists

Have you ever heard the term “spiritual terrorist”? Allow me to clarify. A spiritual terrorist is an individual who is openly hostile to the Godhead, the Bible, and Christianity. They are not kind or passive in their refusal to believe, but rabid. They are 100 percent convinced the truth of the Word is not truth at all. And there are two types of spiritual terrorists: 1) the type who hold you hostage to trying to “save” them from their unbelief and 2) the type who vehemently fight to discredit and make illegal godly values and beliefs in all public settings.

The Problem with “Christian Mysticism”

The following is an excerpt from my new book, The Days of Noah and Lot: Uncovering the Perversions of the First and Last Days. I recently, I stumbled upon a Facebook friend’s post which divulged that she was a “mystic.” And at that point, I’d had it. Had what? Had it up to here with the enemy infiltrating the minds, hearts, and sanctuaries of those who either are or once were believers. This was once a woman of God, a woman who sung praises and preached at ministry events. Now, every other post on her timeline is filled with New Age adages.

Jezebel: Shutting Down the Witch Hunt

Jezebel. You think you know her, but you have no idea. We often say “she” is the young woman busy enticing men from their wives. We’re so quick to remember the one verse in all of Scripture detailing that Jezebel painted her eyes in II Kings 9:30, that we forget how she actually operates in full. In fact, most could not even provide a full, accurate description of her “harlotries.” 

#RoundTableChat: Cindy Jacobs, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez & Bishop Harry Jackson Talk Race Relations [LISTEN]

Despite some technical difficulties, we had an AMAZING time tonight. It was such an honour to have Cindy Jacob, Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, and Bishop Harry Jackson on The Round Table last night to discuss race relations in the Body of Christ in the nation. I would that more of us would risk being uncomfortable and unpopular to address the many grievances and wounds that have taken place in the black and brown communities over the decades and centuries. We cannot hope to properly deal with the issues if we were refuse to acknowledge them. Last night we chose to acknowledge them.

A Devotional: The Courage of Sophie Scholl [WATCH]

The following is a wonderfully timed guest post by my friend, Lutheran pastor and educator, Rev. Dr. Arthur Turfa. If you’re friends with me on Facebook, then you know that I’ve been reading Ken Follett’s Century Trilogy, starting with Fall of Giants which deals with The Great War a.k.a. World War I as well as the Bolshevik Revolution which segues into the rise of Hitler, Nazi Germany, and World War II in Winter of the World. Similarly, I’m also reading Perry Stone’s Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue and there, find many of the same themes, harbingers if you will, that led up to the two first World Wars. In times like these, the old adage “If we do not learn from our past, we are doomed to repeat it” rings true. Don’t just enjoy, but learn as Arthur takes us through the past of Nazi Germany, making it relevant to us in 2016.

When Jezebel’s Wounded Become Jezebel’s Prophets

When people believe that false prophets, psychics, witches, and Satanists exist, but refuse to believe that godly prophets exist, what they are really saying--without knowing it, of course--is that Satan is more powerful than God. But the devil IS a liar!!! If there is a counterfeit, that always means there is an authentic. Turn to the Word of God, turn off your bitter, wounded, resentful filter, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal HIS truth, THE truth, to you, before it's too late. 

2016: The Year the Tide Turns | Cindy Jacobs [WATCH]

One of my favourite prophets, a true mother in Zion, Cindy Jacobs, has issued the Word of the Lord for 2016 and also shares a report from the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. Take heart in this powerful, multi-dimensional word of the Lord! And if you’d like more from “Mama Cindy,” please visit and follow her on social media at @cindyjacobs and!