All tagged divination

Spirit-Husbands, Spirit-Wives & Stolen Destinies

This year has been QUITE a doozy! I have been in a process of deliverance initiated by Heaven and it has been a crazy, insane, exhausting, amazing, and powerful journey! In January while in a Clubhouse room hosted by Prophetess Shelia King, I heard Apostle John Eckhardt teach on spirit-spouses and incubus spirits. Now, I learned about water spirits also known as marine spirits several years ago. Probably a decade ago. Yet it was still a very hush-hush subject. I would hear or read it briefly referenced, but then the minister would move on to the next subject. And yet, I can truthfully say that I have heard the subject of water spirits and specifically spirit-spouses referenced more in this year than I have in my entire 35 years of life! Clearly, God is putting His finger on the subject!

Seducing Spirits & How to Conquer Them

Recently a girlfriend of mine tagged me in a Facebook post inquiring about seducing spirits, what they were, and how to deal with them. Perhaps that was the motivation I needed to just go ahead and write this Facebook post-turned-blog post. I have done an introductory teaching on the subject on Facebook Live and plan to do a series on it at some point. Yet the written word is important also. Let’s start with the literal mention of seducing spirits in Scripture.

Astral Projection vs. Spirit Travel

Astral projection. Likely, from either media, church, or some other dark source, you’ve heard of this practice. Also identified as soul travel, this practice is MUCH more common than you would think. At the time of my writing this, it’s just days before Halloween, and this actually plays a role in some of the Halloween (Samhain) symbolism we’re so used to seeing, namely the witch on the broom. But first, I’d like to share some past experiences with you.

SAMHAIN: The Time Between the Times

Autumn is my most favourite time of year. The temperatures drop, the leaves turn brilliant colours, candy apples start appearing, everything turns to pumpkin spice, and eventually, my birthday! (Can’t forget Thanksgiving either!) It’s a season of definite transition. However, as much as I love this season, it is also the time for Halloween, known to the Ancient Celts as Samhain (pronounced sah-win or sow-in).

The Prophet & the Diviner’s Fee: The Balaam Spirit

In the prophetic, what you accept is what you become. When you accept a diviner's fee, you will eventually act like a diviner. And this is precisely what happened to Balaam. He allowed greed to sway him from Truth which is a Spirit and even though in the Book of Numbers we see him prophesy accurately by the Spirit of God over the Children of Israel and still preach his words to this day he still died a diviner's death.

Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Daughter Witchcraft, Part I

Ah witchcraft. For so long, I thought the terms “Jezebel” and “witchcraft” were synonymous. But upon years of experience and study, I realised that they are not. But I’m getting ahead of myself. 

We’ve met the parentals, Baal and the Queen of Heaven. (See Part IPart II, and Part III.) Then we met Jezzy’s personalities: DelilahHerod, and Absalom. After that we met her siblings, twin brothers, Perversion and AntiChrist, as well as their sister, Religion. And now, we begin to meet Jezebel’s children, starting with Witchcraft.

Exploring Jezebel’s Family Tree: Brother Perversion

Now that we’ve dealt with Jezebel’s parentsBaal and the Queen of Heaven, and met her three personalities, DelilahHerod, and Absalom, we shall now deal with her two older siblings, starting with Perversion. Perversion is the eldest child born of Baal and Asherah (the Queen of Heaven, also known as Ashtoreth, Astarte, Ishtar, Isis, the Triple/Mother Goddess, etc.). But to understand this spirit, we must first understand his natural expression, Tammuz.

Are Mormons Christians? Part I

No. I could waste a lot of time, energy, and space expressing to you the varying opinions of this debate. I could tell you how it’s easy to mistake Mormons for Christians if you don’t know any better. I could spend time listing their good works, but really, why?

If you haven’t already figured this out about me, know this: I HATE, LOATHE, AND DESPISE deception!!! I hate, loathe, and despise ignorance as well. In a world rife with technology, how is it possible that it is also rife with ignorance and deception? Perhaps that answer would depend on the subject matter being specifically discussed. Perhaps people are lazy and apathetic (many are). But regarding this particular discussion, I submit that people simply do not truly 1) know God or 2) their Word like they think they do.

Python: Coiling Cords of Wickedness [VIDEOS]

I'm back again with the second part of this Spiritual Warfare Series featuring Pastor Ron Phillips of the Abba's House! If you enjoyed his teachings on the Spirit of Jezebel (from my Witchcraft & Deliverance Chronicles) and the Spirit of Leviathan, then I know you'll enjoy this lesson on the Spirit of Python. Everyone talks, preaches, and prophesies about it. But do you know what it is? This post will break it down with divine wisdom and simplicity. Learn and enjoy!

Witches & Witch Church

You may be thinking a lot about witches right now. Hocus Pocus, Harry Potter, and all that jazz. I mean, Halloween is less than a week away.

Some of you may not believe in actual witches. (Even though they really do exist.)

Some of you may not believe in the power actual witches utilize. (Even though it’s very real.)

Some of you may believe that the power actual witches utilize can’t affect you because you’re a child of God. (In which case, you are more than likely very arrogantly, ignorantly wrong.)

And some of you may actually know the truth of these matters.