All tagged witches

Descendants of the Fallen, Part 1 [A Story]

The following is a poem that I composed on February 2, 2020 to open a story I began writing. While the overall title of this work is Descendants of the Fallen, the title of this particular poem is entitled “Descendants of Darkness,” this is the start of an experiment in which I will begin sharing the story in installments. I will not explain the work; I will simply allow you to discover it as the installments are revealed. Enjoy!

The History of Halloween: Black Cats

I hope you’ve enjoyed my History of Halloween Series so far! We touched on jack o’ lanterns first, then broomsticks. Today, we’re discussing the Samhain superstitions behind black cats. This post was originally featured on and was penned by a Hispanic mystic and psychic. Now obviously black cats in and of themselves are not bad. I’m rather partial to them myself! We must understand that God created all creatures to be good and kind. And while the Occult has seemed to lay claim to certain of them, others being snakes and owls as well as toads and frogs. But this does not mean that they are evil in and of themselves. That said, you’ll want to look into their history to understand their intertwining with the dark celebration of Halloween. Read on.

The History of Halloween: Jack O' Lanterns

This is the commencement of a little series I’m doing entitled The History of Halloween. Many, even in the Church, are divided on the topic of Halloween. They say things like, “I’m not a witch, I don’t worship Satan, so what’s the problem?” “I don’t want my kids to feel bad or left out.” “What’s so wrong with dressing up as Disney characters and giving out candy?” Trojan horses my friends, Trojan horses. This series will uncover the various aspects of Halloween and why a Christian cannot and should not align themselves with this high, holy Day of Satan for any reason. We commence this season with breaking down the history of jack o’lanterns. To see this original post, please visit

The Origin of Demons, Part IV

Welcome to the final installment “The Origin of Demons”! We’ve discussed the first, second, and third theories of where demons could possibly come from. See Part IPart II, and Part III. We also discussed why the Nephilim so hated humanity. In this post, we’ll discuss why the Catholic Church fathers changed the belief that the “sons of God” referenced in Genesis 6:1-4 were not really fallen angels, but something else. We close the series out with a word of wisdom regarding balance in spiritual matters. Enjoy!

Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Daughter Witchcraft, Part II

This is Part II of Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Witchcraft. If you missed Part I, you can catch it here! To catch the whole series, see here.

All forms of magic and witchcraft, whether socially acceptable or not, whether white or black, whether helping a cop find a missing child or cursing a woman to barrenness are all undoubtedly wicked in the eyes of God and a snare that keeps people from knowing Him and or growing deeper in Him. It will deceive you if you let it, and sometimes, even when you don’t. 

Witchcraft & Deliverance Chronicles: The Truth About Halloween [VIDEO]

Well, it's that time of year again: my most favourite season of the year, paired with the most hateful day of the year: HALLOWEEN. I was going to put this post off until later in the year, but based on some recent Facebook discussions, I figured it was best to start now--before you go out and buy your innocent children their costumes. I'll do a separate written post soon, but I think this series of videos and documentaries will help to prime you for the forthcoming post(s).

How I Fell Prey to Jezebel (How to Identify This Spirit in Your Life) Part I

If you’ve read my post, “Jezebel Was My BFF,” then you know that at one point of my life, I was most certainly in the clutches of Jezebel. Actually, more than once. But the situation shared in that post was the most extensive. However, I want to list some characteristics by which you can identify this spirit working. And YES, Jezebel is a sexless (androgynous) spirit that can operate through men and women; she’s open to whoever will host her. (Although men usually take on the Absalom spirit, at the core, it’s the same thing.) But anyhoo, here we go.