Descendants of the Fallen, Part 1 [A Story]

Descendants of the Fallen, Part 1 [A Story]

The following is a poem that I composed on February 2, 2020 to open a story I began writing. While the overall title of this work is Descendants of the Fallen, the title of this particular poem is entitled “Descendants of Darkness,” this is the start of an experiment in which I will begin sharing the story in installments. I will not explain the work; I will simply allow you to discover it as the installments are revealed. Enjoy!

Descendants of Darkness

Come near, my brothers,

Come near and see,

Visions of rapture o’ertaking me.

Splendour turned darkness,

High-rising sea,

Blood of our brothers, splattered to see.

Vision turned darkness,

Golden gone dark;

These eight escaped it ‘lone in the Ark.

And we here are left

In mortal despair

By sunrise tomorrow, no more shall be here.

High heavens pouring,

Earthy depths shaken,

We now, my brothers, all are forsaken.

For we drank from the cup

And drank from the well

And now, through our veins, blood courses from hell.

Come now, my brothers,

Come near and see,

We have purchased the darkness and none shall be free.

Descended of the fallen,

Tainted by the fallen,

Married to the fallen,

And now we shall die.

Descendants of the Fallen, Part 2 [A Story]

Descendants of the Fallen, Part 2 [A Story]

Spirit-Husbands, Spirit-Wives & Stolen Destinies

Spirit-Husbands, Spirit-Wives & Stolen Destinies