All tagged sorcery

Marine Deposits: What They Are & How to Remove Them

There are three primary categories of what I call Marine deposits. These are deposits from the Marine Kingdom engineered and administered by demonic spirits and or witches that are “sown” in us through dreams. Witchcraft—borne of the Marine Kingdom—is always behind it directly or indirectly. Let’s discuss the three primary categories of Marine deposits.

Demonic Exchange, Divine Reversal

In my deliverance journey, I have come to learn of something called demonic exchange. A demonic exchange is when the plan of God for someone’s life, good and godly things, is directly hijacked by the power of darkness in order to grant the favour, success, notoriety, glory, influence, settlement, wealth, etc. ordained for one person to another. In essence, your destiny is stolen and buried, kept from you, to frustrate you, keep you in cycles, rob you of hope, and keep you from living in and accomplishing the plan of God for your life.

Spirit-Husbands, Spirit-Wives & Stolen Destinies

This year has been QUITE a doozy! I have been in a process of deliverance initiated by Heaven and it has been a crazy, insane, exhausting, amazing, and powerful journey! In January while in a Clubhouse room hosted by Prophetess Shelia King, I heard Apostle John Eckhardt teach on spirit-spouses and incubus spirits. Now, I learned about water spirits also known as marine spirits several years ago. Probably a decade ago. Yet it was still a very hush-hush subject. I would hear or read it briefly referenced, but then the minister would move on to the next subject. And yet, I can truthfully say that I have heard the subject of water spirits and specifically spirit-spouses referenced more in this year than I have in my entire 35 years of life! Clearly, God is putting His finger on the subject!

Seducing Spirits & How to Conquer Them

Recently a girlfriend of mine tagged me in a Facebook post inquiring about seducing spirits, what they were, and how to deal with them. Perhaps that was the motivation I needed to just go ahead and write this Facebook post-turned-blog post. I have done an introductory teaching on the subject on Facebook Live and plan to do a series on it at some point. Yet the written word is important also. Let’s start with the literal mention of seducing spirits in Scripture.

The Law of Territorial Spirits

Recently, I was watching a teaching by John Paul Jackson. In it, he was breaking down how psychic healings actually operate. Here is the summation: Let’s say you have a problem with your foot. You go to the psychic healer (or witch doctor, or shaman, or New Age pastor, etc.) and they do their thing and the problem leaves your foot. You walk away thinking you’re healed when in actuality, you’ve traded a problem in your foot for a problem in your heart or your kidney or your spleen. You get the idea.

Cults & Deliverance: The Truth about Voodoo, Obeah & Santeria {WATCH}

I’ve been wanting to post some documentaries about Voodoo for some time. Voodoo, Santeria, Obeah, Hoodoo, Rootworking, Mojo, etc., outside of some ancillary differences, at their core, they’re the same. It’s just a question of the people group and the preferred mask of choice. Why would I want to do a post on Voodoo? Because it is prevalent. Prevalent and followed by poverty, death, and destruction. Voodoo very literally deceives people, then drags them to Hell.

Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Daughter Witchcraft, Part I

Ah witchcraft. For so long, I thought the terms “Jezebel” and “witchcraft” were synonymous. But upon years of experience and study, I realised that they are not. But I’m getting ahead of myself. 

We’ve met the parentals, Baal and the Queen of Heaven. (See Part IPart II, and Part III.) Then we met Jezzy’s personalities: DelilahHerod, and Absalom. After that we met her siblings, twin brothers, Perversion and AntiChrist, as well as their sister, Religion. And now, we begin to meet Jezebel’s children, starting with Witchcraft.

Exploring Jezebel’s Family Tree: Brother Perversion

Now that we’ve dealt with Jezebel’s parentsBaal and the Queen of Heaven, and met her three personalities, DelilahHerod, and Absalom, we shall now deal with her two older siblings, starting with Perversion. Perversion is the eldest child born of Baal and Asherah (the Queen of Heaven, also known as Ashtoreth, Astarte, Ishtar, Isis, the Triple/Mother Goddess, etc.). But to understand this spirit, we must first understand his natural expression, Tammuz.

Witches & Witch Church

You may be thinking a lot about witches right now. Hocus Pocus, Harry Potter, and all that jazz. I mean, Halloween is less than a week away.

Some of you may not believe in actual witches. (Even though they really do exist.)

Some of you may not believe in the power actual witches utilize. (Even though it’s very real.)

Some of you may believe that the power actual witches utilize can’t affect you because you’re a child of God. (In which case, you are more than likely very arrogantly, ignorantly wrong.)

And some of you may actually know the truth of these matters.