All tagged seduction

The Spirit of Witchcraft

It’s really easy to point out the branches and practices of literal, Occultic witchcraft. However, before it’s ever a spell, incantation, ritual, or hex, it’s a spirit. This means that far more of us are guilty of witchcraft than we realise.

Toxic Femininity: What Is It and Is Toxic Masculinity to Blame?

Months ago, an acquaintance of mine posted a question on Facebook asking what toxic femininity was. I admit, I was baffled. I’d never in my life thought of the phrase “toxic femininity.” I struggled to consider what it might mean, so I googled it. And you know what came up? Toxic masculinity. (The nerve, right?!) Apparently, now you can google the phrase and this is what I came up with:

Exploring Jezebel’s Family Tree: Jezebel and Delilah

Previously we discussed Jezebel's parents, but now we’ll be discussing Jezebel’s multiple personalities. We know that the spirit of Jezebel is one that utilizes witchcraft--manipulation, intimidation, or domination--to justify her expected end. She does not seek the throne herself, but rather seeks the power behind the throne. Her seductions are tailored to her prey, not merely overtly sexual. And she is dangerous, patient and dangerous. If you want to learn more about this specific spirit--in this form--then you may see here, but in this post we’re going to discuss her lesser known, yet just as strong personalities, starting with Delilah.

Witches & Witch Church

You may be thinking a lot about witches right now. Hocus Pocus, Harry Potter, and all that jazz. I mean, Halloween is less than a week away.

Some of you may not believe in actual witches. (Even though they really do exist.)

Some of you may not believe in the power actual witches utilize. (Even though it’s very real.)

Some of you may believe that the power actual witches utilize can’t affect you because you’re a child of God. (In which case, you are more than likely very arrogantly, ignorantly wrong.)

And some of you may actually know the truth of these matters.

The Spiritual Warrior’s Guide to Defeating Jezebel [Review]

Defeating Jezebel confirmed some things I already knew, connected some things I had not been previously able to, articulated some things I knew, yet could not express, and yes, taught me things I never knew before about this crafty spirit. I’m convinced most people don’t really understand the depth, layers, levels, intricacy, power, and meditated end of this spirit. Jennifer articulates Defeating Jezebel with wonderful prophetic accuracy and divine revelation.

How I Fell Prey to Jezebel (How to Identify This Spirit in Your Life) Part I

If you’ve read my post, “Jezebel Was My BFF,” then you know that at one point of my life, I was most certainly in the clutches of Jezebel. Actually, more than once. But the situation shared in that post was the most extensive. However, I want to list some characteristics by which you can identify this spirit working. And YES, Jezebel is a sexless (androgynous) spirit that can operate through men and women; she’s open to whoever will host her. (Although men usually take on the Absalom spirit, at the core, it’s the same thing.) But anyhoo, here we go.