All tagged spirit of Jezebel

Unauthorized Assignments, Impending Judgments

Continuing with our recent and unintentional theme of judgment, I would like to talk about the judgment that comes to the unauthorized. With all of the talk of judgment lately, I came to the point where I was getting a bit uncomfortable. I said, “God, I’m talking about judgment A LOT lately. Can I talk about something a little more pleasant?” Frankly, I didn’t want it to look like I was obsessed. And then it happened.

Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Son Homosexuality (The Eunuch Spirit), Part III

Many say, “Being gay doesn’t hurt me!” or “Gay marriage won’t affect you or your marriage!” More lies. They’ve bought into this deception. Perhaps if the LGBQT movement was merely a fleshly movement, it would not be as dangerous. But even as I type those words, I know they are untrue. Because being united in a rebelliousanti-God agenda is never good, nor beneficial to those involved nor the society in which it takes place. There was once a time where men rose up, united in their fleshly unity, to build something they thought was great. 

Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Son Homosexuality (The Eunuch Spirit)

Throughout this exploration of Jezebel’s family tree, we have met her parents, Baal and Asherah (Part IPart II, and Part III). We have met her three personalities: DelilahHerod, and Absalom. We have met her siblings starting with twin big brothers, Perversion and AntiChrist, as well as her big sister, Religion. And last time, we introduced you to her daughter, Witchcraft (Part I and Part II). Now, we will introduce you to Jezebel’s son, Homosexuality, also known as the Eunuch Spirit. 

Generational Curses in the Church, Part I

Last night, I was scrolling through a Christian debate group on I belong to on Facebook when I stumbled across a clip someone shared featuring Pastor Dharius Daniels. I was BLOWN AWAY!!! Generally speaking, I’ve heard and now seen that the man is a BEAST! This clip absolutely proved it. He walks us through the generational “habit” of lying in the family of Abraham reaching the fourth generation, Jacob’s sons (minus Joseph and Benjamin). He mentioned how we so readily focus on generational curses in families, but rarely do we look at this same concept in the context of churches. My Lord! And it’s the truth! Generational curses in the Church are a very real problem, but as Jesus said, the truth shall set you free! Let’s dig in.

Exploring Jezebel’s Family Tree: Jezebel and Delilah

Previously we discussed Jezebel's parents, but now we’ll be discussing Jezebel’s multiple personalities. We know that the spirit of Jezebel is one that utilizes witchcraft--manipulation, intimidation, or domination--to justify her expected end. She does not seek the throne herself, but rather seeks the power behind the throne. Her seductions are tailored to her prey, not merely overtly sexual. And she is dangerous, patient and dangerous. If you want to learn more about this specific spirit--in this form--then you may see here, but in this post we’re going to discuss her lesser known, yet just as strong personalities, starting with Delilah.

Exploring Jezebel’s Family Tree: Baal & The Queen of Heaven, Part I

If you’re familiar with this blog, then you know that I have a host of posts on the Jezebel spirit. And if you didn’t know before, you do now. *smile* But what about the spirits in cahoots with Jezebel? We know demons and principalities don’t have actual family groupings so to speak. But they do have hierarchies. So what does the sub-hierarchy of Jezebel’s fallen family look like?

Watch the Words You Release

As human beings and the image of God in the earth, we must be SO careful of the words we release from our mouth. Last night several people got into a debate with me over a sensitive post I made. One young lady in particular hopped on board saying all manner of things as she, unfortunately, frequently does. (Hopefully, she'll stop now since I finally unfriended her.) After logging off last night, I felt SO ICKY because of the things she's said to me: like someone had literally opened me up and dumped trash and waste into my body, soul, and spirit. And by the time I woke up the next morning, there was a definite atmosphere of "ickiness" in my room. It hung over me like a cloud as I went about my business and when I heard some things loved ones had to say about a completely unrelated topic, the mixture was complete: depression. 

Would the Real Church in Houston Please Stand Up??

Chances are in our community, when you think of Houston you think of two things: mega-churches and sangers (“sangers,” because they can sang!). Off the top of my head, I can think of a few mega-pastors and several Gospel singers who dwell in the area. This would logically lead to there being a large Christian populace there. Apparently, 53.79 percent of Houston identifies as Christian so why then, does the city have an openly lesbian mayor who is turning her sights to attacking the Church? Mayor Annise Parker has subpoenaed a group of ministers hand over their sermons that reference “homosexuality, gender identity or Annise Parker.” All who refuse to comply could be held in contempt of court (TPNN).

I guess that argument “what people do in their bedrooms is their business” just got thrown out the window right about now.

The Spiritual Warrior’s Guide to Defeating Jezebel [Review]

Defeating Jezebel confirmed some things I already knew, connected some things I had not been previously able to, articulated some things I knew, yet could not express, and yes, taught me things I never knew before about this crafty spirit. I’m convinced most people don’t really understand the depth, layers, levels, intricacy, power, and meditated end of this spirit. Jennifer articulates Defeating Jezebel with wonderful prophetic accuracy and divine revelation.

The Big 3: Jezebel’s Agenda & Defining Our Faith in the 21st Century

This month, we’ve been dealing with some hard issues that define our present faith. You may have read my recent review on Dr. Michael Brown’s new book Can You Be Gay and Christian? But LGBQT issues are not the only issues we have on our plate as the Body of Christ. Jesus is coming back for a Bride without spot and we will find ourselves everlastingly tainted if we do not deal with these “big three” issues in a godly manner: 1) abortion, 2) gay marriage, and 3) human/child/sex trafficking.

How I Fell Prey to Jezebel (How to Identify This Spirit in Your Life) Part II

About a week and a half ago, I posted Part I of How I Fell Prey to Jezebel (How to Identify This Spirit in Your Life) so if you haven't read it yet, please do. I've since read--and completed--Jennifer LeClaire's PHENOMENAL book, The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel and interestingly enough, it confirmed many of the points in both Part I and II of this topic (albeit better articulated with more examples and deeper understanding). If you haven't read it yet, I HIGHLY recommend it and yes, I will be reviewing it for you all shortly. So it is with that great encouragement that I give you Part II of How I Fell Prey to Jezebel! I won't say "enjoy," but I will say LEARN and APPLY what you've learned upon reading this.

How I Fell Prey to Jezebel (How to Identify This Spirit in Your Life) Part I

If you’ve read my post, “Jezebel Was My BFF,” then you know that at one point of my life, I was most certainly in the clutches of Jezebel. Actually, more than once. But the situation shared in that post was the most extensive. However, I want to list some characteristics by which you can identify this spirit working. And YES, Jezebel is a sexless (androgynous) spirit that can operate through men and women; she’s open to whoever will host her. (Although men usually take on the Absalom spirit, at the core, it’s the same thing.) But anyhoo, here we go.