All tagged dating

#TheNAKEDSeries: “In the Rectangle, Not the Circle.” Part 2 {WATCH}

As promised, I am continuing with #TheNAKEDSeries wherein I strip - not physically, but emotionally - to, hopefully and prayerfully, bring understand and healing to the women out there, especially the younger, single women. God has a plan for your life - and it does NOT include a boyfriend, fiance, or husband who refuses to see or support you in pursuing the call of God on your life.

The Single Woman’s Never Been to Vegas [Review]

I’ve Never Been to Vegas But My Luggage Has: Mishaps and Miracles on the Road to Happily Ever After, published by Thomas Nelson, is a fabulous new book by The Single Woman a.k.a. Mandy Hale! You may recall my recent interview with her as we sat down to talk singleness, sass, and salvation on Valentine’s Day. She told me all about Never Been to Vegas so I was particularly excited about reading it, yet I wasn’t prepared for how wonderful the book truly was! I laughed, cried, sighed, feared, and laughed some more with Mandy as I read through the book in four days! Ladies (and gents), if you want a lovely, worthwhile read to add to your personal library that can lift your spirits in more way than one way, then Never Been to Vegas is a must-read! 

Preachers of L.A., Episode 1: Judgment vs. Being Judgmental *Spoiler Alert*

Preachers of L.A. is back for Season Two and is already full of action! We’re sharing with you about Episode One: “Judge Not.” In Season One, Gospel singer, Deitrick Haddon, was recovering from his recent divorce, the birth of his first child–out of wedlock, and a speedy engagement. All which had suspect timing and, understandably, tarnished his position as a Christian minister. Midway through the season, he embarked on a secret wedding to his now wife, Dominique. But what they did not reveal until after the public wedding in the season finale was that they were already expecting Baby #2!

This naturally put Pastor Jay Haizlip, the last-minute wedding officiant for the public wedding, in an extremely awkward position which he lovingly confronted Deitrick about in this first episode. Drama ensued.