All tagged Wicca

The Spirit of Witchcraft

It’s really easy to point out the branches and practices of literal, Occultic witchcraft. However, before it’s ever a spell, incantation, ritual, or hex, it’s a spirit. This means that far more of us are guilty of witchcraft than we realise.

Spirit-Husbands, Spirit-Wives & Stolen Destinies

This year has been QUITE a doozy! I have been in a process of deliverance initiated by Heaven and it has been a crazy, insane, exhausting, amazing, and powerful journey! In January while in a Clubhouse room hosted by Prophetess Shelia King, I heard Apostle John Eckhardt teach on spirit-spouses and incubus spirits. Now, I learned about water spirits also known as marine spirits several years ago. Probably a decade ago. Yet it was still a very hush-hush subject. I would hear or read it briefly referenced, but then the minister would move on to the next subject. And yet, I can truthfully say that I have heard the subject of water spirits and specifically spirit-spouses referenced more in this year than I have in my entire 35 years of life! Clearly, God is putting His finger on the subject!

3 Reasons to STOP Burning Sage (Smudging) [WATCH]

I wanted to dedicate a post to the practice of smudging a.k.a. burning sage...or better yet, why you should NOT smudge or burn sage. Whether you are involved in Wicca, New Age, Voodoo, or a Native American religion, smudging is a worldwide practice employed to cleanse a person or place of evil spirits or the more modern term, “negative energies.”

Astral Projection vs. Spirit Travel

Astral projection. Likely, from either media, church, or some other dark source, you’ve heard of this practice. Also identified as soul travel, this practice is MUCH more common than you would think. At the time of my writing this, it’s just days before Halloween, and this actually plays a role in some of the Halloween (Samhain) symbolism we’re so used to seeing, namely the witch on the broom. But first, I’d like to share some past experiences with you.

Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Daughter Witchcraft, Part I

Ah witchcraft. For so long, I thought the terms “Jezebel” and “witchcraft” were synonymous. But upon years of experience and study, I realised that they are not. But I’m getting ahead of myself. 

We’ve met the parentals, Baal and the Queen of Heaven. (See Part IPart II, and Part III.) Then we met Jezzy’s personalities: DelilahHerod, and Absalom. After that we met her siblings, twin brothers, Perversion and AntiChrist, as well as their sister, Religion. And now, we begin to meet Jezebel’s children, starting with Witchcraft.

Witchcraft & Deliverance Chronicles: The Truth About Halloween [VIDEO]

Well, it's that time of year again: my most favourite season of the year, paired with the most hateful day of the year: HALLOWEEN. I was going to put this post off until later in the year, but based on some recent Facebook discussions, I figured it was best to start now--before you go out and buy your innocent children their costumes. I'll do a separate written post soon, but I think this series of videos and documentaries will help to prime you for the forthcoming post(s).