All tagged transitioning

The Transgender Agenda

In this post, I feel exceedingly driven to address the #Transagenda in America. Which is, of course, why I’m starting this post at 4:28am (while watching Jesus of Nazareth - one of THE greatest Bible movie classics of ALL TIME on Youtube!). This vicious agenda has been and continues to be on the rise in our nation, affecting and infecting one and all as it grows. In order to address this topic, I’d like to share with you a dream I had last year.

Dear Gays: You Already Had Equal Marriage Rights

Dear, dear, dear gay community: you don’t need the right to get married. You already had it. You need deliverance. All of the love, identity, and affirmation that you are seeking can only ever be found in God Almighty. And the good news is, He is already seeking you! Cry out to God, repent for your sins (we ALL have to do it daily), and turn your heart and life over to Him. Then and only then will you have the liberty you are so longing for.

The Rainbow: The Promise and the Perversion

The rainbow is a beautiful thing. I’m not sure why God picked it to be His sign of covenant and promise, but He did. Unfortunately, like many words such as “gay,” “truth,” and “tolerance,” the LGBQT and progressive liberal community at large has hijacked these words and perverted them for their own use.

Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Son Homosexuality (The Eunuch Spirit), Part III

Many say, “Being gay doesn’t hurt me!” or “Gay marriage won’t affect you or your marriage!” More lies. They’ve bought into this deception. Perhaps if the LGBQT movement was merely a fleshly movement, it would not be as dangerous. But even as I type those words, I know they are untrue. Because being united in a rebelliousanti-God agenda is never good, nor beneficial to those involved nor the society in which it takes place. There was once a time where men rose up, united in their fleshly unity, to build something they thought was great. 

The Deception of 'Caitlyn' Jenner

“What did I just do to myself?” asked Bruce Jenner. The Vanity Fair article goes on to state that “A counselor... came to the house so Jenner could talk to a professional, and assured her that such reactions were often induced by pain medication, and that second-guessing was human and temporary.”

In just a few lines, a magazine, long lauded for its elegance and class as well as its dynamic, even royal cover personalities has succeeded in not only supporting the sad gender delusions of the former Olympian, but of also agreeing that Jenner’s reaction to his facial reconstruction surgery was not the conviction of the Holy Spirit, but a mere medicinally-induced human reaction that would soon pass.