All tagged queer

The Transgender Agenda

In this post, I feel exceedingly driven to address the #Transagenda in America. Which is, of course, why I’m starting this post at 4:28am (while watching Jesus of Nazareth - one of THE greatest Bible movie classics of ALL TIME on Youtube!). This vicious agenda has been and continues to be on the rise in our nation, affecting and infecting one and all as it grows. In order to address this topic, I’d like to share with you a dream I had last year.

Dealing with Spiritual Terrorists

Have you ever heard the term “spiritual terrorist”? Allow me to clarify. A spiritual terrorist is an individual who is openly hostile to the Godhead, the Bible, and Christianity. They are not kind or passive in their refusal to believe, but rabid. They are 100 percent convinced the truth of the Word is not truth at all. And there are two types of spiritual terrorists: 1) the type who hold you hostage to trying to “save” them from their unbelief and 2) the type who vehemently fight to discredit and make illegal godly values and beliefs in all public settings.

Dear Gays: You Already Had Equal Marriage Rights

Dear, dear, dear gay community: you don’t need the right to get married. You already had it. You need deliverance. All of the love, identity, and affirmation that you are seeking can only ever be found in God Almighty. And the good news is, He is already seeking you! Cry out to God, repent for your sins (we ALL have to do it daily), and turn your heart and life over to Him. Then and only then will you have the liberty you are so longing for.

The Rainbow: The Promise and the Perversion

The rainbow is a beautiful thing. I’m not sure why God picked it to be His sign of covenant and promise, but He did. Unfortunately, like many words such as “gay,” “truth,” and “tolerance,” the LGBQT and progressive liberal community at large has hijacked these words and perverted them for their own use.

Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Son Homosexuality (The Eunuch Spirit), Part III

Many say, “Being gay doesn’t hurt me!” or “Gay marriage won’t affect you or your marriage!” More lies. They’ve bought into this deception. Perhaps if the LGBQT movement was merely a fleshly movement, it would not be as dangerous. But even as I type those words, I know they are untrue. Because being united in a rebelliousanti-God agenda is never good, nor beneficial to those involved nor the society in which it takes place. There was once a time where men rose up, united in their fleshly unity, to build something they thought was great. 

Possessing the Airwaves & Pissing Off Witches

When you have spirits that control the power of the air waves--and they possess that--they have territorial dominance because they have advantages in the air waves. So they are able to control traffic from this level. And the minute you start getting into the airwaves you are going to have trouble. So people that start a company that's dealing with telephones, or that's dealing with the airwaves in terms of radio, or television, or even the internet, you fight the kinds of battles that if you don't know what you're fighting you'll have problems because the airwaves is the way thoughts are transmitted. And the devil possesses the heavens so he can control the thoughts of men. So if you want to get into a business with telephones, walkie-talkies, internet, and all those things, it's not just about making money. You'd better know Who God is. Because you're going to fight battles that you think are unreasonable; they're not unreasonable. (Bishop Tudor Bismark, “Demonic Possession, Part II”)

Can You Be Gay AND Christian? [Review]

Can you be gay and Christian? In days gone by, this would not have even been a question. But in these last days filled with so-called “wisdom,” fights for LGBQT rights, prominent gay politicians and other public figures, gay ministers, and gender neutral educational instruction, the question is here whether it should be or not. Some who are ultra-religious would perhaps scoff at or refuse to touch Can You Be Gay and Christian? by Dr. Michael L. Brown, perhaps until they read the subtitle: Responding with Love & Truth to Questions about Homosexuality. I can honestly say that I am so pleased I’ve read this book. It’s opened my mind and deepened my convictions both at the same time.