All tagged ignorance

Racism: Persistence in the Face of Apathy

Okay, so I just watched Selma for the first time. (Yes, I know, I’m late. Please don’t chide me. Better late than never.) And this on the heels of recently watching the Book of Negroes Series, and Underground Series (the latter produced by Grammy award-winning singer and genius, John Legend), and it has me thinking.

#RoundTableChat | Prayer for America {Playback}

We’re so grateful to all of you who were able to join us in prayer last night! We had a powerful time! My sisters Jessica Baker, Jenae McFarland, Charity Porter, and Gospel singer and Glam Camp for Girls founder, Melinda Watts joined me for this “shut-in” and boy did we pray! To be honest, I’ve NEVER heard my sis Jenae pray like that and we’ve been praying together for a LONG time! We’re so grateful to all of you who joined us for the entire time or even for a moment. And if you missed the call, then you can listen now! We know that there is no distance or time in prayer.

Witchcraft & Deliverance Chronicles: The Truth About Halloween [VIDEO]

Well, it's that time of year again: my most favourite season of the year, paired with the most hateful day of the year: HALLOWEEN. I was going to put this post off until later in the year, but based on some recent Facebook discussions, I figured it was best to start now--before you go out and buy your innocent children their costumes. I'll do a separate written post soon, but I think this series of videos and documentaries will help to prime you for the forthcoming post(s).