All tagged god of this world hath blinded

The Origin of Demons, Part IV

Welcome to the final installment “The Origin of Demons”! We’ve discussed the first, second, and third theories of where demons could possibly come from. See Part IPart II, and Part III. We also discussed why the Nephilim so hated humanity. In this post, we’ll discuss why the Catholic Church fathers changed the belief that the “sons of God” referenced in Genesis 6:1-4 were not really fallen angels, but something else. We close the series out with a word of wisdom regarding balance in spiritual matters. Enjoy!

Dear Bruce Jenner: The Woman’s Nature is Inborn

The following is an excerpt from Understanding the Purpose and Power of Woman by the late, yet never forgotten, Dr. Myles Munroe. It's really a shame that we have become so depraved in our thinking as a society and civilization that we have to teach grown people the painfully obvious differences between a man and a woman, male and female. Bruce Jenner is attempting to be a woman. People are now attempting to de-program school children of various ages to teach that there is no such thing as gender. And without a the moral foundation of the Word of God, moral relativity runs rampant and anything goes. Who cares if God says He only created male and female if you don’t believe in God or His Word to begin with? What seems and frankly is utterly simple truth is now considered groundbreaking to some and bigoted intolerance to others. But allow me to share the words of this great, passed prophet with you.