All tagged demonic deception

Dear Gays: You Already Had Equal Marriage Rights

Dear, dear, dear gay community: you don’t need the right to get married. You already had it. You need deliverance. All of the love, identity, and affirmation that you are seeking can only ever be found in God Almighty. And the good news is, He is already seeking you! Cry out to God, repent for your sins (we ALL have to do it daily), and turn your heart and life over to Him. Then and only then will you have the liberty you are so longing for.

Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Son Homosexuality (The Eunuch Spirit)

Throughout this exploration of Jezebel’s family tree, we have met her parents, Baal and Asherah (Part IPart II, and Part III). We have met her three personalities: DelilahHerod, and Absalom. We have met her siblings starting with twin big brothers, Perversion and AntiChrist, as well as her big sister, Religion. And last time, we introduced you to her daughter, Witchcraft (Part I and Part II). Now, we will introduce you to Jezebel’s son, Homosexuality, also known as the Eunuch Spirit. 

Socially Acceptable Psychic Witchcraft and How It Works

Two nights ago, I was sitting watching an episode of Bones. I’m aware of the show, but don’t think I’ve ever actually watched it before in all the years it’s been airing. It was time to eat some dinner and there was nothing new on my Hulu queue so I figured why the heck not? Some things we aren’t surprised at anymore. When living in such a world, it’s easy to become desensitized to certain things. But sometimes, we get so shocked we just have to scream! Even though no one’s there to listen. That is what happened when I watched Bones

Are Mormons Christians? Part I

No. I could waste a lot of time, energy, and space expressing to you the varying opinions of this debate. I could tell you how it’s easy to mistake Mormons for Christians if you don’t know any better. I could spend time listing their good works, but really, why?

If you haven’t already figured this out about me, know this: I HATE, LOATHE, AND DESPISE deception!!! I hate, loathe, and despise ignorance as well. In a world rife with technology, how is it possible that it is also rife with ignorance and deception? Perhaps that answer would depend on the subject matter being specifically discussed. Perhaps people are lazy and apathetic (many are). But regarding this particular discussion, I submit that people simply do not truly 1) know God or 2) their Word like they think they do.