All tagged Samhain

Astral Projection vs. Spirit Travel

Astral projection. Likely, from either media, church, or some other dark source, you’ve heard of this practice. Also identified as soul travel, this practice is MUCH more common than you would think. At the time of my writing this, it’s just days before Halloween, and this actually plays a role in some of the Halloween (Samhain) symbolism we’re so used to seeing, namely the witch on the broom. But first, I’d like to share some past experiences with you.

The History of Halloween: Black Cats

I hope you’ve enjoyed my History of Halloween Series so far! We touched on jack o’ lanterns first, then broomsticks. Today, we’re discussing the Samhain superstitions behind black cats. This post was originally featured on and was penned by a Hispanic mystic and psychic. Now obviously black cats in and of themselves are not bad. I’m rather partial to them myself! We must understand that God created all creatures to be good and kind. And while the Occult has seemed to lay claim to certain of them, others being snakes and owls as well as toads and frogs. But this does not mean that they are evil in and of themselves. That said, you’ll want to look into their history to understand their intertwining with the dark celebration of Halloween. Read on.

The History of Halloween: Jack O' Lanterns

This is the commencement of a little series I’m doing entitled The History of Halloween. Many, even in the Church, are divided on the topic of Halloween. They say things like, “I’m not a witch, I don’t worship Satan, so what’s the problem?” “I don’t want my kids to feel bad or left out.” “What’s so wrong with dressing up as Disney characters and giving out candy?” Trojan horses my friends, Trojan horses. This series will uncover the various aspects of Halloween and why a Christian cannot and should not align themselves with this high, holy Day of Satan for any reason. We commence this season with breaking down the history of jack o’lanterns. To see this original post, please visit

Exploring Jezebel’s Family Tree: Brother Perversion

Now that we’ve dealt with Jezebel’s parentsBaal and the Queen of Heaven, and met her three personalities, DelilahHerod, and Absalom, we shall now deal with her two older siblings, starting with Perversion. Perversion is the eldest child born of Baal and Asherah (the Queen of Heaven, also known as Ashtoreth, Astarte, Ishtar, Isis, the Triple/Mother Goddess, etc.). But to understand this spirit, we must first understand his natural expression, Tammuz.

Witchcraft & Deliverance Chronicles: The Truth About Halloween [VIDEO]

Well, it's that time of year again: my most favourite season of the year, paired with the most hateful day of the year: HALLOWEEN. I was going to put this post off until later in the year, but based on some recent Facebook discussions, I figured it was best to start now--before you go out and buy your innocent children their costumes. I'll do a separate written post soon, but I think this series of videos and documentaries will help to prime you for the forthcoming post(s).