All tagged Nephilim

Descendants of the Fallen, Part 1 [A Story]

The following is a poem that I composed on February 2, 2020 to open a story I began writing. While the overall title of this work is Descendants of the Fallen, the title of this particular poem is entitled “Descendants of Darkness,” this is the start of an experiment in which I will begin sharing the story in installments. I will not explain the work; I will simply allow you to discover it as the installments are revealed. Enjoy!

The Origin of Demons, Part IV

Welcome to the final installment “The Origin of Demons”! We’ve discussed the first, second, and third theories of where demons could possibly come from. See Part IPart II, and Part III. We also discussed why the Nephilim so hated humanity. In this post, we’ll discuss why the Catholic Church fathers changed the belief that the “sons of God” referenced in Genesis 6:1-4 were not really fallen angels, but something else. We close the series out with a word of wisdom regarding balance in spiritual matters. Enjoy!