False Confirmations & Accidental Thefts

False Confirmations & Accidental Thefts

It is imperative to know the voice of the Lord for yourself and to go through deliverance to make sure the voice you’re attributing to the Lord is actually His and not the voice of a stranger. 

Confirmation is a real thing. Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established (Deut. 17:6, 19:15; Matt. 18:16; 1 Tim. 5:19). 

But false confirmation is a very real thing too. Remember, God allowed a lying spirit to be in the mouth of the prophets (1 Kings 22:19-23, 2 Chron. 18:18-22). 

And everyone who gives you a prophetic word or “confirming” word does not have pure motives. Remember, the young prophet lost his life because he obeyed the word of the old prophet who LIED instead of continuing to obey the voice of God he heard for himself (1 Kings 13). 

And please believe, when you have truly heard the Lord, the enemy will ABSOLUTELY and ALWAYS send people and voices to get you off track, to make you think you missed God, and to instill fear in your heart as well as confusion in your mind. Just think about Sanballat and Tobiah. 


And some of you are out here living your life in a whole mirror world or parallel universe so to speak because you THOUGHT you heard the voice of God, but what you actually heard was a lying spirit produced by demons and witchcraft. 


God has a TRUE plan for your life. Yet you need to know that if you are not living out His plan for your life, then you are living someone else’s or something else’s. 

If you are not pursuing His call on your life, then you’re pursuing something else. 

If you’re not working the job He called you to, then you’re taking someone else’s job.

If you’re not married to the person He called you to, then you’re married to someone else’s spouse. 

If you’re not operating in the sphere He called you to, then you’re operating in the sphere He called someone else to. 

This is a demonic exchange; spiritual theft. And when you think about it, it’s not just a transgression against someone else—it’s a transgression against you too if you did not engineer the exchange yourself. 

It might not be your fault (fully), but you still have to repent and be removed from that seat, humble yourself, go back to square one, and allow the Lord to lead you to the seat that HE has ordained for you.

Swift repentance will lend you [more] grace and mercy. Fall on the mercy of the Courts of Heaven, and put in the time to become INTIMATELY acquainted with His voice. 

Men and women lie. Parents and pastors, mentors and mates (“friends”) lie, but God cannot lie.

If everything in your life APPEARS right, just as it should be, too perfect, but you still feel wayyyy deep down in your soul, in the pit of your stomach, that you made a mistake, then maybe you did. Or rather, maybe you were intentionally steered into that mistake by malevolent forces. Regardless of the mistake, regardless of where you find yourself, if you belong to God, He can deliver you from that place and to where you are SUPPOSED to be. 

Don’t believe me? Just ask. 🙏🏽♥️

This may also be why you are experiencing delay in your life as it pertains to fulfilling your purpose and acquiring the wealth and financial standing you know you are destined for. It may be why doors are not opening for you and you are not experiencing the favour you feel you should in your life, business, or ministry. 

If this post resonates with you and you feel that you are living in a parallel universe due to false confirmations, pray this prayer:

Father in the Name of Jesus,

I repent today for misreading Your voice. I repent for following the voice of a stranger instead of You. 

I’m in a situation and I’m not quite sure how to get out of it. I gave my consent, my permission, my vow, and my commitment to a place and or position You did not call me to.

I repent now and renounce every agreement, oath, vow, promise, contract, and covenant I have made that was not ordained or inspired by Holy Spirit. 

I break every soul tie, tether, and cord binding me to any persons, promises, places, positions, dreams, goals, aspirations, motivations, or even outcomes that were not inspired or ordained by Holy Spirit for my life. 

I ask now, Father, that You would give me the Spirit of Wisdom, Counsel, and Might to say what needs to be said, do what needs to be done, repent of what needs to be repented for, and to withdraw my commitment where I gave it under mistaken, misunderstood, false, fraudulent, coerced, contrived, or manipulated pretenses. 

I ask that You would give me the grace to close any false doors with ease and certainty, never to return outside of Your will and Your timing; give me the grace to place bows on any situations that need them. 

I fall upon the mercy of the Courts of Heaven and ask that You correct my course and deliver me, God! Deliver me from every false and contrived reality for my life. I want to live in Your PERFECT will. 

I command every illusion and demonically-inspired fantasy for my life to be irrevocably SHATTERED in the name of Jesus! I only want what YOU want for me. I will NOT live another moment in a parallel, mirrored, mistaken, or demonic reality another moment longer, in Jesus’ name! 

I ask that every hindrance and obstruction to my vision be removed and catch fire, in the name of Jesus! 

I ask that any influence clouding, confusing, binding, or demonically influencing my mind be bound and swiftly cut off from me NOW in the name of Jesus! 

Father, please reveal to me and expose anyone who has hidden motives, selfish motives, untrustworthy motives, demonic motivations, or even who is simply unauthorized to speak into my life on certain subjects or at all. 

Show me clearly and distinctly those whom You have authorized to be in and speak into my life and those You have not. 

I break agreement with every prayer and prophecy, decree and declaration, judgment and edict spoken over my life that was not breathed or inspired by the Spirit of God. 

I reject every bit of advice, counsel, guidance, and instruction that was not ordained or authorized by the Spirit of God for my life. 

I decree that every Ahithophel, Judas, and Haman counseling me with their own hidden agendas would be silenced and cut off from me NOW! 

I decree that every demonic spirit counseling me and influencing me would be bound and catch fire NOW! 

I decree that every demonic system influencing me would be cut off from me and destroyed by fire NOW! 

I decree that every demonic counsel, coalition, and confederacy conspiring against me in the spirit or in the natural would be supernaturally and permanently dispersed NOW, never to meet again regarding me or my bloodline or anyone divinely assigned to my life, in the name of Jesus! 

Father, I repent for ever coming into agreement with the plans of the enemy for my life in the name of Jesus. I repent for doubting Your Word and Your voice. I repent for any and everything in my life that prevented me from hearing You properly and acting accordingly.

I repent for moving hastily without Your leading. I repent for not waiting to hear from YOU as opposed to a person. I repent for acting in arrogance. I repent for every part I played in this that was against Your Spirit and Your will for my life. 

And I repent for any person that I hurt or wronged in any way in this process knowingly or unknowingly. I ask, Father, that You would grant me mercy from those whom I have wronged in this process. I ask that any demonic exchange or theft I participated in knowingly or unknowingly not be held against me anymore in the Courts of Heaven and that I do not suffer the weight of Your judgment against me because of it. 

I repent for anyone’s seat that I took knowingly or unknowingly. Father, give me the grace, the wisdom, and the wherewithal to vacate swiftly and smoothly to make room for the person You ordained to sit in that seat. And give me divine speed to return to the center of Your purpose and in the proper seat(s) that You have ordained for my life. 

In Jesus’ name, amen.

If you have prayed this prayer and meant it, I am in agreement with you and believe that God is going to move SWIFTLY on your behalf and that He will lessen and even potentially cancel the impending judgments against your life. I bless you in the name of Jesus. 

Now, go do in the natural what is necessary to correct your situation. God is with you!

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