All tagged Haman

Jezebel: Another Accuser of the Brethren

I recently did a reel on all my platforms explaining that as a prophet, there is absolutely a place for judgment that includes correction, rebuke, and exposure. This is a portion of the governance that is inextricably connected to the office of the prophet. HOWEVER, if you don’t also have a ministry of reconciliation and restoration along with your “ministry of judgment,” then you DO NOT have the heart of the Father. 

False Confirmations & Accidental Thefts

It is imperative to know the voice of the Lord for yourself and to go through deliverance to make sure the voice you’re attributing to the Lord is actually His and not the voice of a stranger.

Confirmation is a real thing. Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established (Deut. 17:6, 19:15; Matt. 18:16; 1 Tim. 5:19).

But false confirmation is a very real thing too. Remember, God allowed a lying spirit to be in the mouth of the prophets (1 Kings 22:19-23, 2 Chron. 18:18-22).

Racism: Persistence in the Face of Apathy

Okay, so I just watched Selma for the first time. (Yes, I know, I’m late. Please don’t chide me. Better late than never.) And this on the heels of recently watching the Book of Negroes Series, and Underground Series (the latter produced by Grammy award-winning singer and genius, John Legend), and it has me thinking.