All tagged familiar spirits

Familiars, Monitoring Spirits & How to Protect Yourself from Them

I was watching my friend Prophet Steven Haliburton’s Instagram Live last night and toward the end, he began praying against monitoring spirits. Afterward, I shot him a voice note of a recent experience with monitoring spirits which inspired this post. Monitoring Spirits are very real and they take on many forms. I have a 6+ hour masterclass on monitoring spirits where we delve into the many types and devices of monitoring. However, today, we will emphasize what I feel is a lesser-discussed aspect of monitors: familiars from the insect and animal kingdoms.

SAMHAIN: The Time Between the Times

Autumn is my most favourite time of year. The temperatures drop, the leaves turn brilliant colours, candy apples start appearing, everything turns to pumpkin spice, and eventually, my birthday! (Can’t forget Thanksgiving either!) It’s a season of definite transition. However, as much as I love this season, it is also the time for Halloween, known to the Ancient Celts as Samhain (pronounced sah-win or sow-in).

Familiar Spirits & The Only Two Men to Ever Come Back from the Dead Without Being Resurrected

Scripture tells us that it is appointed unto man to die ONCE, and then the judgment (Heb. 9:27). Therefore, no one who passes out of this life into the next may return to us--in any form. (We are not talking here of normal dreams about someone, although if you have a sexual dream about someone you may very well want to examine the root of it and deal with it as Jehovah leads.) I have said before that there is only one example in Scripture of a dead person returning, but I was wrong. There are two: The first, is when God allowed the witch of En Dor, a medium (necromancer), to call up the dead prophet Samuel who was resting in Abraham’s Bosom, where all the Saints went before Paradise (Heaven) was opened to us through Jesus’ power and resurrection.

The History of Halloween: Black Cats

I hope you’ve enjoyed my History of Halloween Series so far! We touched on jack o’ lanterns first, then broomsticks. Today, we’re discussing the Samhain superstitions behind black cats. This post was originally featured on and was penned by a Hispanic mystic and psychic. Now obviously black cats in and of themselves are not bad. I’m rather partial to them myself! We must understand that God created all creatures to be good and kind. And while the Occult has seemed to lay claim to certain of them, others being snakes and owls as well as toads and frogs. But this does not mean that they are evil in and of themselves. That said, you’ll want to look into their history to understand their intertwining with the dark celebration of Halloween. Read on.