All tagged vision

Astral Projection vs. Spirit Travel

Astral projection. Likely, from either media, church, or some other dark source, you’ve heard of this practice. Also identified as soul travel, this practice is MUCH more common than you would think. At the time of my writing this, it’s just days before Halloween, and this actually plays a role in some of the Halloween (Samhain) symbolism we’re so used to seeing, namely the witch on the broom. But first, I’d like to share some past experiences with you.

#TheNAKEDSeries: “In the Rectangle, Not the Circle.” Part 2 {WATCH}

As promised, I am continuing with #TheNAKEDSeries wherein I strip - not physically, but emotionally - to, hopefully and prayerfully, bring understand and healing to the women out there, especially the younger, single women. God has a plan for your life - and it does NOT include a boyfriend, fiance, or husband who refuses to see or support you in pursuing the call of God on your life.