All tagged seducing spirits

Spirit-Husbands, Spirit-Wives & Stolen Destinies

This year has been QUITE a doozy! I have been in a process of deliverance initiated by Heaven and it has been a crazy, insane, exhausting, amazing, and powerful journey! In January while in a Clubhouse room hosted by Prophetess Shelia King, I heard Apostle John Eckhardt teach on spirit-spouses and incubus spirits. Now, I learned about water spirits also known as marine spirits several years ago. Probably a decade ago. Yet it was still a very hush-hush subject. I would hear or read it briefly referenced, but then the minister would move on to the next subject. And yet, I can truthfully say that I have heard the subject of water spirits and specifically spirit-spouses referenced more in this year than I have in my entire 35 years of life! Clearly, God is putting His finger on the subject!

When Jezebel’s Wounded Become Jezebel’s Prophets

When people believe that false prophets, psychics, witches, and Satanists exist, but refuse to believe that godly prophets exist, what they are really saying--without knowing it, of course--is that Satan is more powerful than God. But the devil IS a liar!!! If there is a counterfeit, that always means there is an authentic. Turn to the Word of God, turn off your bitter, wounded, resentful filter, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal HIS truth, THE truth, to you, before it's too late.