All tagged repent

Jezebel: Another Accuser of the Brethren

I recently did a reel on all my platforms explaining that as a prophet, there is absolutely a place for judgment that includes correction, rebuke, and exposure. This is a portion of the governance that is inextricably connected to the office of the prophet. HOWEVER, if you don’t also have a ministry of reconciliation and restoration along with your “ministry of judgment,” then you DO NOT have the heart of the Father. 

False Prophecies Regarding COVID-19

I was originally going to release this word on Facebook on April 8, 2020, but at the time decided against it. Now I feel like it’s time. Primarily because yesterday, I was watching Jennifer Eivaz’s Facebook Live, and she made an excellent point in her teaching that I would like to share here.

I Did It. Now What?

This post is the follow-up to my last post, “Impending Judgment: The Days of Hophni & Phineas Are Returning!” I wanted to include this as the conclusion of that post, but it was already so long, I decided to make it the follow-up piece. I heard an older Periscope of Prophet Jonathan Ferguson talking about all these preachers who tell you “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds” - but don’t ever actually tell you what those weapons are! Well, in that same spirit, I don’t want to just tell you prophetically that judgment is coming, but I wanted to also provide you with the words of wisdom to either stay that judgment or at least deal with it after it’s come. We’re gonna take it line by line, precept by precept. So with that in mind, let’s go!

Why Kim Clement Died

When I first heard the news about the passing of Prophet Kim Clement, I sitting at my laptop working. At 6:03am, I called into my prayerline and while looking at my phone, I noticed an email from the House of Destiny (Kim’s online church that I was a “member” of) sent at 5:53am entitled, “The Sad News of Kim’s Passing” and my face went dumb - I couldn’t process the words, and clicked the email thinking it was some sort of mistake. But it wasn’t.

Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Son Homosexuality (The Eunuch Spirit), Part III

Many say, “Being gay doesn’t hurt me!” or “Gay marriage won’t affect you or your marriage!” More lies. They’ve bought into this deception. Perhaps if the LGBQT movement was merely a fleshly movement, it would not be as dangerous. But even as I type those words, I know they are untrue. Because being united in a rebelliousanti-God agenda is never good, nor beneficial to those involved nor the society in which it takes place. There was once a time where men rose up, united in their fleshly unity, to build something they thought was great.