All tagged Accuser of the Brethren

Jezebel: Another Accuser of the Brethren

I recently did a reel on all my platforms explaining that as a prophet, there is absolutely a place for judgment that includes correction, rebuke, and exposure. This is a portion of the governance that is inextricably connected to the office of the prophet. HOWEVER, if you don’t also have a ministry of reconciliation and restoration along with your “ministry of judgment,” then you DO NOT have the heart of the Father. 

When Jezebel’s Wounded Become Jezebel’s Prophets

When people believe that false prophets, psychics, witches, and Satanists exist, but refuse to believe that godly prophets exist, what they are really saying--without knowing it, of course--is that Satan is more powerful than God. But the devil IS a liar!!! If there is a counterfeit, that always means there is an authentic. Turn to the Word of God, turn off your bitter, wounded, resentful filter, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal HIS truth, THE truth, to you, before it's too late. 

When Dreams Get Stuck in Satan’s Heaven

So I had this dream last night...

I don't remember much about it, but I do remember Will Smith being there and we were talking. He said something that reverberated long after I woke up: 

"Don't tell your dreams to everyone. If you do, they'll never make it to the Third Heaven. They'll be stuck in the Second Heaven."

Watch the Words You Release

As human beings and the image of God in the earth, we must be SO careful of the words we release from our mouth. Last night several people got into a debate with me over a sensitive post I made. One young lady in particular hopped on board saying all manner of things as she, unfortunately, frequently does. (Hopefully, she'll stop now since I finally unfriended her.) After logging off last night, I felt SO ICKY because of the things she's said to me: like someone had literally opened me up and dumped trash and waste into my body, soul, and spirit. And by the time I woke up the next morning, there was a definite atmosphere of "ickiness" in my room. It hung over me like a cloud as I went about my business and when I heard some things loved ones had to say about a completely unrelated topic, the mixture was complete: depression.