All tagged spirit of prophecy

The Prophet & the Diviner’s Fee: The Balaam Spirit

In the prophetic, what you accept is what you become. When you accept a diviner's fee, you will eventually act like a diviner. And this is precisely what happened to Balaam. He allowed greed to sway him from Truth which is a Spirit and even though in the Book of Numbers we see him prophesy accurately by the Spirit of God over the Children of Israel and still preach his words to this day he still died a diviner's death.

When Jezebel’s Wounded Become Jezebel’s Prophets

When people believe that false prophets, psychics, witches, and Satanists exist, but refuse to believe that godly prophets exist, what they are really saying--without knowing it, of course--is that Satan is more powerful than God. But the devil IS a liar!!! If there is a counterfeit, that always means there is an authentic. Turn to the Word of God, turn off your bitter, wounded, resentful filter, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal HIS truth, THE truth, to you, before it's too late.