All tagged forgiveness

Those Who Trespass Against Us: Discussing with Healthy Boundaries in Life

At the time of my writing this, I'd just let my dog outside. The back door is actually two doors: The actual door with a curtain over the glass, and the thinner, outer glass door. On this particular night, I didn't check outside before I opened the inner door. I thought for a moment what I would do if there were a strange man staring at me from the other side of the glass? And then, I thought, “What would I do if [insert the name of a particularly fine man] were standing there?” (Random, I know.) Then it hit me: How many times have we let people into our lives because they were in some way attractive to us - even though they have obviously violated the boundaries we've set in place?

I Did It. Now What?

This post is the follow-up to my last post, “Impending Judgment: The Days of Hophni & Phineas Are Returning!” I wanted to include this as the conclusion of that post, but it was already so long, I decided to make it the follow-up piece. I heard an older Periscope of Prophet Jonathan Ferguson talking about all these preachers who tell you “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds” - but don’t ever actually tell you what those weapons are! Well, in that same spirit, I don’t want to just tell you prophetically that judgment is coming, but I wanted to also provide you with the words of wisdom to either stay that judgment or at least deal with it after it’s come. We’re gonna take it line by line, precept by precept. So with that in mind, let’s go!

Don't Become Who Hurt You

When someone hurts you, that person is responsible for what they did to you. HOWEVER, when you then use that consciously or subconsciously as a reason to hurt someone else, then you become just as guilty as the person who hurt you. They say hurt people hurt people. I'd like to change this statement: 

Hurt people who choose to not forgive and receive healing from God hurt people.