All tagged fear

Cheslie Kryst, Suicide & Me

My heart is crushed at the news of former Miss USA (2019), Cheslie Kryst. Thinking that this young, beautiful, compassionate woman was so unhappy that she leapt to her death is both unreal and jarring and numbing and…words fail to express how I truly feel.

#TheNAKEDSeries: “In the Rectangle, Not the Circle.” Part 2 {WATCH}

As promised, I am continuing with #TheNAKEDSeries wherein I strip - not physically, but emotionally - to, hopefully and prayerfully, bring understand and healing to the women out there, especially the younger, single women. God has a plan for your life - and it does NOT include a boyfriend, fiance, or husband who refuses to see or support you in pursuing the call of God on your life.