All tagged false teachers

The Problem with “Christian Mysticism”

The following is an excerpt from my new book, The Days of Noah and Lot: Uncovering the Perversions of the First and Last Days. I recently, I stumbled upon a Facebook friend’s post which divulged that she was a “mystic.” And at that point, I’d had it. Had what? Had it up to here with the enemy infiltrating the minds, hearts, and sanctuaries of those who either are or once were believers. This was once a woman of God, a woman who sung praises and preached at ministry events. Now, every other post on her timeline is filled with New Age adages.

When Jezebel’s Wounded Become Jezebel’s Prophets

When people believe that false prophets, psychics, witches, and Satanists exist, but refuse to believe that godly prophets exist, what they are really saying--without knowing it, of course--is that Satan is more powerful than God. But the devil IS a liar!!! If there is a counterfeit, that always means there is an authentic. Turn to the Word of God, turn off your bitter, wounded, resentful filter, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal HIS truth, THE truth, to you, before it's too late. 

How to Test Spirits

From the Old Testament to the New, the prophets, the apostles, and the Son of God Himself, all warned about false prophets, false teachers, wolves in sheep's clothing. And obviously, if someone warns you about something, it’s because the possibility that the thing they warned you about will present itself sooner or later. Such is the case with ungodly spirits parading as godly spirits.