All tagged Rebellion: The Original Baal Worship

#Top10 Blogposts of 2015

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I can’t possibly do what I do without YOU reading, supporting, liking, sharing, and commenting on everything I do. So thank you SO much for that. As most of you know, I’ve been keeping track of the past year’s weekly #Top10 posts from my website, so here is the culmination of that ranking for 2015; these are the posts YOU have made the most popular!

Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Daughter Witchcraft, Part I

Ah witchcraft. For so long, I thought the terms “Jezebel” and “witchcraft” were synonymous. But upon years of experience and study, I realised that they are not. But I’m getting ahead of myself. 

We’ve met the parentals, Baal and the Queen of Heaven. (See Part IPart II, and Part III.) Then we met Jezzy’s personalities: DelilahHerod, and Absalom. After that we met her siblings, twin brothers, Perversion and AntiChrist, as well as their sister, Religion. And now, we begin to meet Jezebel’s children, starting with Witchcraft.

The Spiritual Warrior’s Guide to Defeating Jezebel [Review]

Defeating Jezebel confirmed some things I already knew, connected some things I had not been previously able to, articulated some things I knew, yet could not express, and yes, taught me things I never knew before about this crafty spirit. I’m convinced most people don’t really understand the depth, layers, levels, intricacy, power, and meditated end of this spirit. Jennifer articulates Defeating Jezebel with wonderful prophetic accuracy and divine revelation.

Nothing New Under the Sun

That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

King Solomon stated these words thousands of years ago and they ring true even now. There is truly nothing new under the sun. Yet with all this learning and never coming to the knowledge of truth, we have forgotten our past, our history. So with that in mind, here are seven things that are not new under the sun.