All tagged Celts

SAMHAIN: The Time Between the Times

Autumn is my most favourite time of year. The temperatures drop, the leaves turn brilliant colours, candy apples start appearing, everything turns to pumpkin spice, and eventually, my birthday! (Can’t forget Thanksgiving either!) It’s a season of definite transition. However, as much as I love this season, it is also the time for Halloween, known to the Ancient Celts as Samhain (pronounced sah-win or sow-in).

Witchcraft & Deliverance Chronicles: The Truth About Halloween [VIDEO]

Well, it's that time of year again: my most favourite season of the year, paired with the most hateful day of the year: HALLOWEEN. I was going to put this post off until later in the year, but based on some recent Facebook discussions, I figured it was best to start now--before you go out and buy your innocent children their costumes. I'll do a separate written post soon, but I think this series of videos and documentaries will help to prime you for the forthcoming post(s).