Word of the Lord for 2017 || Apostle John Eckhardt {WATCH}

Word of the Lord for 2017 || Apostle John Eckhardt {WATCH}

The original title of this word by Apostle Eckhardt is “Reset & Resetters.” If you’ve been following Apostle on social media for the past few months, then you know that he has been speaking on “reset” for a while. So when this word for the year popped up in my Youtube feed last night, I knew I had to share it in this series. Apostle Eckhardt is such a sweet, father in the spirit; he truly has the Father’s heart. And he’ll always hold a special place in my heart since he shared an article of mine and boosted my traffic a while back when I was under a major Twitter attack from a well-known minister’s watchdog. (And if you’ve ever been under serious Twitter attack, then you know how intense that can be!) So without further ado, I give you Apostle John Eckhardt’s Word of the Lord for 2017!

Apostle John Eckhardt, Founder & Pastor of Crusaders Church in Chicago, IL.

Resetter - someone or something that does the resetting; someone that resets.

Leap Second (Minor Adjustments)

Did you know that one second was added to the World Clock at the end of 2016 in order to reset it for 2017?

This is a prophetic picture of a small resetting that could be necessary in someone’s life. It doesn’t necessarily need to be major; it could just be a small reset so you can function at optimum, maximum level.

Even if it just a minor adjustment, if you don’t get the tiny reset you need, it can accumulate over the years and put your life’s clock behind. It could be be in the areas of:

  • Worship
  • Praise
  • Words
  • Faith
  • Love
  • Humility
  • Vision
  • Dreams
  • Ministry
  • Finances, etc.


“Prayer is necessary for reset. Prayer will help reset things in your life... Intercessors are resetters. This includes prayers warriors and prophets

Does God want to use you as a resetter?

Churches are going to recommit to prayer; the spirit of prayer will come into your services; there will be spontaneous outpourings of the spirit in supplication and intercessory grace.

God will use your prayers to reset things in your:

  • Personal life
  • Family
  • Church
  • Ministry
  • City
  • Region
  • Nation, etc.

When the spirit of prayer comes, yield to it.


Prophecy can reset things. It can bring a reset and cause people to be reset.

God knows every area there needs to be a:

  • Reset
  • Reconfiguration
  • Restoration
  • Renewal
  • Recharging, etc.

God is the God of the ‘Re’!

“Every time God wants to do a new thing in your life, He will often speak a word.”

Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them. (Isaiah 42:9 KJV)

Carnal vs. Spiritual Church Growth

Many spirit-filled people have moved away from the things of the Spirit; many are building their churches by entertainment, advertising, and programs, but it’s not built by the spirit of God. They are depending on carnal ways to build the church. You can grow a church through fleshly marketing and entertainment, but what you’ll attract is fleshly people!

Strong prayer, intercession, is the key to building any ministry.

“I’m going to cause my prayer warriors, my intercessors, to be encouraged…. Your prayers have not been in vain! Get ready to see reset in many areas!”

Hear ye the word of the Lord for 2017!

P.S. Hear this awesome (short) word of the Lord from Apostle Eckhardt on the things/areas God is resetting in 2017!

Word of the Lord for 2017 || Apostle Jane Hamon {WATCH}

Word of the Lord for 2017 || Apostle Jane Hamon {WATCH}

Word of the Lord for 2017 || Bishop Bill Hamon {WATCH}

Word of the Lord for 2017 || Bishop Bill Hamon {WATCH}