All tagged unclean spirits

Seducing Spirits & How to Conquer Them

Recently a girlfriend of mine tagged me in a Facebook post inquiring about seducing spirits, what they were, and how to deal with them. Perhaps that was the motivation I needed to just go ahead and write this Facebook post-turned-blog post. I have done an introductory teaching on the subject on Facebook Live and plan to do a series on it at some point. Yet the written word is important also. Let’s start with the literal mention of seducing spirits in Scripture.

The Law of Territorial Spirits

Recently, I was watching a teaching by John Paul Jackson. In it, he was breaking down how psychic healings actually operate. Here is the summation: Let’s say you have a problem with your foot. You go to the psychic healer (or witch doctor, or shaman, or New Age pastor, etc.) and they do their thing and the problem leaves your foot. You walk away thinking you’re healed when in actuality, you’ve traded a problem in your foot for a problem in your heart or your kidney or your spleen. You get the idea.