All tagged spirit of error

Seducing Spirits & How to Conquer Them

Recently a girlfriend of mine tagged me in a Facebook post inquiring about seducing spirits, what they were, and how to deal with them. Perhaps that was the motivation I needed to just go ahead and write this Facebook post-turned-blog post. I have done an introductory teaching on the subject on Facebook Live and plan to do a series on it at some point. Yet the written word is important also. Let’s start with the literal mention of seducing spirits in Scripture.

Racism: Persistence in the Face of Apathy

Okay, so I just watched Selma for the first time. (Yes, I know, I’m late. Please don’t chide me. Better late than never.) And this on the heels of recently watching the Book of Negroes Series, and Underground Series (the latter produced by Grammy award-winning singer and genius, John Legend), and it has me thinking.