All tagged repentance

Marine Deposits: What They Are & How to Remove Them

There are three primary categories of what I call Marine deposits. These are deposits from the Marine Kingdom engineered and administered by demonic spirits and or witches that are “sown” in us through dreams. Witchcraft—borne of the Marine Kingdom—is always behind it directly or indirectly. Let’s discuss the three primary categories of Marine deposits.

15 Common Mistakes in Warfare, Part I

Hello All! It’s been forever and my profuse apologies for that. I’m in a very interesting season, and I’ve been doing some teaching in Facebook Live formats, but I don’t want to completely neglect my blog. Hence this post. This was something that just dropped in my spirit, so I wanted to share it with you all in hopes that it will bless you. In this post, we’re examining common mistakes in warfare.

I Did It. Now What?

This post is the follow-up to my last post, “Impending Judgment: The Days of Hophni & Phineas Are Returning!” I wanted to include this as the conclusion of that post, but it was already so long, I decided to make it the follow-up piece. I heard an older Periscope of Prophet Jonathan Ferguson talking about all these preachers who tell you “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds” - but don’t ever actually tell you what those weapons are! Well, in that same spirit, I don’t want to just tell you prophetically that judgment is coming, but I wanted to also provide you with the words of wisdom to either stay that judgment or at least deal with it after it’s come. We’re gonna take it line by line, precept by precept. So with that in mind, let’s go!

#RoundTableChat | Prayer for America {Playback}

We’re so grateful to all of you who were able to join us in prayer last night! We had a powerful time! My sisters Jessica Baker, Jenae McFarland, Charity Porter, and Gospel singer and Glam Camp for Girls founder, Melinda Watts joined me for this “shut-in” and boy did we pray! To be honest, I’ve NEVER heard my sis Jenae pray like that and we’ve been praying together for a LONG time! We’re so grateful to all of you who joined us for the entire time or even for a moment. And if you missed the call, then you can listen now! We know that there is no distance or time in prayer.

Exploring Jezebel's Family Tree: Son Homosexuality (The Eunuch Spirit), Part III

Many say, “Being gay doesn’t hurt me!” or “Gay marriage won’t affect you or your marriage!” More lies. They’ve bought into this deception. Perhaps if the LGBQT movement was merely a fleshly movement, it would not be as dangerous. But even as I type those words, I know they are untrue. Because being united in a rebelliousanti-God agenda is never good, nor beneficial to those involved nor the society in which it takes place. There was once a time where men rose up, united in their fleshly unity, to build something they thought was great. 

Does the Cross Offend You?

The only thing about Christ’s bloodshed and death that should offend you is the fact that you--just like I--put Him there. Just like Mel Gibson made it a point to hold the nails that were hammered into Christ’s flesh in the film, so we also held the nails and hammered them in. Maybe not literally, but it was our sin that put Him there. Perhaps we are offended at the thought of the Cross because we know we should have been there instead.

2015: The Year of The Lord’s Release, The Year of Freedom

The following is a prophetic word for 2015 given by Prophetess Cynthia Thompson of Eternal Change Ministries. She is an accurate prophet who is also in (ministerial) relationship with Apostle Guillermo Maldonado and you'll see that the words God gave each of them on New Year's Eve for 2015 overlap! Praise God for confirming His word to His servants! 

We have entered into God’s time calendar of divine release.  The years beginning in 2014 and ending in -2015 mark the completion or fulfillment of the seven year cycles of God, which will bring us into our Jubilee year which is also known as the great Shemitah year.  A Shemitah year happens every seven years on the calendar of God for the purpose of releasing and freeing people from debt and captivity. A great Shemitah year occurs when seven times seven Sabbath years which equal 49 years have been fulfilled to bring us into the beginning of Jubilee.

DWBs: Driving While Black

I am the furthest thing from a race-baiter. In fact, some more uninformed individuals might even accuse me of being the opposite. Others have stated that I am “unbalanced.” Here’s the deal. I say exactly what I feel needs to be said, to who I feel it needs to be said, in the way I feel it needs to be said, when I feel led to say it. Sometimes that leading is of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes that leading is from my own (informed) feelings. And sometimes, just sometimes, that leading is from my flesh. *cringe* But I always try to keep my “rants” Jesus-centered.