All tagged go and sin no more

I Did It. Now What?

This post is the follow-up to my last post, “Impending Judgment: The Days of Hophni & Phineas Are Returning!” I wanted to include this as the conclusion of that post, but it was already so long, I decided to make it the follow-up piece. I heard an older Periscope of Prophet Jonathan Ferguson talking about all these preachers who tell you “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds” - but don’t ever actually tell you what those weapons are! Well, in that same spirit, I don’t want to just tell you prophetically that judgment is coming, but I wanted to also provide you with the words of wisdom to either stay that judgment or at least deal with it after it’s come. We’re gonna take it line by line, precept by precept. So with that in mind, let’s go!