All tagged The Days of Noah and Lot: Uncovering the Perversions of the First and Last Days

Astral Projection vs. Spirit Travel

Astral projection. Likely, from either media, church, or some other dark source, you’ve heard of this practice. Also identified as soul travel, this practice is MUCH more common than you would think. At the time of my writing this, it’s just days before Halloween, and this actually plays a role in some of the Halloween (Samhain) symbolism we’re so used to seeing, namely the witch on the broom. But first, I’d like to share some past experiences with you.

Familiar Spirits & The Only Two Men to Ever Come Back from the Dead Without Being Resurrected

Scripture tells us that it is appointed unto man to die ONCE, and then the judgment (Heb. 9:27). Therefore, no one who passes out of this life into the next may return to us--in any form. (We are not talking here of normal dreams about someone, although if you have a sexual dream about someone you may very well want to examine the root of it and deal with it as Jehovah leads.) I have said before that there is only one example in Scripture of a dead person returning, but I was wrong. There are two: The first, is when God allowed the witch of En Dor, a medium (necromancer), to call up the dead prophet Samuel who was resting in Abraham’s Bosom, where all the Saints went before Paradise (Heaven) was opened to us through Jesus’ power and resurrection.