All tagged Semiramis

Exploring Jezebel’s Family Tree: Sister Religion

This family tree of Jezebel keeps getting worse and worse with every branch we uncover. First, there was Baal and Asherah whom we discussed in three parts (Part IPart II & Part III). (Asherah a.k.a. the Queen of Heaven even has a holiday in our modern times.) Then we discussed her three personalities: DelilahHerod, and Absalom. Then we started discussing her siblings Perversion and AntiChrist, twin brothers, and in this post, we’ll discuss her final sibling, Religion.


Exploring Jezebel’s Family Tree: Baal & The Queen of Heaven, Part I

If you’re familiar with this blog, then you know that I have a host of posts on the Jezebel spirit. And if you didn’t know before, you do now. *smile* But what about the spirits in cahoots with Jezebel? We know demons and principalities don’t have actual family groupings so to speak. But they do have hierarchies. So what does the sub-hierarchy of Jezebel’s fallen family look like?

Are Mormons Christians? Part I

No. I could waste a lot of time, energy, and space expressing to you the varying opinions of this debate. I could tell you how it’s easy to mistake Mormons for Christians if you don’t know any better. I could spend time listing their good works, but really, why?

If you haven’t already figured this out about me, know this: I HATE, LOATHE, AND DESPISE deception!!! I hate, loathe, and despise ignorance as well. In a world rife with technology, how is it possible that it is also rife with ignorance and deception? Perhaps that answer would depend on the subject matter being specifically discussed. Perhaps people are lazy and apathetic (many are). But regarding this particular discussion, I submit that people simply do not truly 1) know God or 2) their Word like they think they do.

How I Fell Prey to Jezebel (How to Identify This Spirit in Your Life) Part I

If you’ve read my post, “Jezebel Was My BFF,” then you know that at one point of my life, I was most certainly in the clutches of Jezebel. Actually, more than once. But the situation shared in that post was the most extensive. However, I want to list some characteristics by which you can identify this spirit working. And YES, Jezebel is a sexless (androgynous) spirit that can operate through men and women; she’s open to whoever will host her. (Although men usually take on the Absalom spirit, at the core, it’s the same thing.) But anyhoo, here we go.