All tagged Book of Jeremiah

Are Mormons Christians? Part I

No. I could waste a lot of time, energy, and space expressing to you the varying opinions of this debate. I could tell you how it’s easy to mistake Mormons for Christians if you don’t know any better. I could spend time listing their good works, but really, why?

If you haven’t already figured this out about me, know this: I HATE, LOATHE, AND DESPISE deception!!! I hate, loathe, and despise ignorance as well. In a world rife with technology, how is it possible that it is also rife with ignorance and deception? Perhaps that answer would depend on the subject matter being specifically discussed. Perhaps people are lazy and apathetic (many are). But regarding this particular discussion, I submit that people simply do not truly 1) know God or 2) their Word like they think they do.

Dragon Lords

If you know me, then you know I love the BBC show, Merlin! I’ve always been a HUGE sucker for almost any version of the Arthurian Legend even if, like Merlin, it barely follows the actual story.

If you follow the BBC classic show (ended all too soon, much to my great sadness!), then you know that Merlin is a Dragon Lord. The gift, passed down to him from his father, allows him to “lord” over dragons and in fact, any being that may be even related to a dragon. And then, I had a revelation!

We, you and I, are called to be Dragon Lords!