An Open Letter to Lauren Daigle

An Open Letter to Lauren Daigle

Dear Lauren,

You don’t know me and I don’t know you, but we are sisters in Christ. While I confess, I am not familiar with your music, I am familiar with your name and your recent invitation to worship live on set at The Ellen Show, and I rejoice with you for every opportunity and platform God sends your way! I believe your gift has truly made room for you.

There is indeed a draw to worship extending to platforms outside the four walls of the Church and this is something we should all rejoice in! You never know who’s listening, who’s searching, who may even just stumble upon the songs of praise and worship hitting the top of the iTunes and Billboard charts. This is an AMAZING opportunity for the Church and specifically, for you!

You will never hear me bash a Christian singer for singing on a secular platform. I believe just as the apostles took every platform that God graced them for, so I believe we should as well. Yet I must say that I was disappointed when I learned of your recent statements regarding homosexuality.

I find it extremely difficult to believe that you honestly do not know what Scripture says on the matter. Yet, if you are in earnest, then instead of throwing Scriptures at you like I’m sure many have already, I will instead admonish you to, like the Bereans, search out the Scriptures for yourself. Ask Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through His Word and to illuminate His truth - the only truth - to you. He will absolutely do it!

Yet, if as I suspect, you were speaking out of fear rather than your biblical knowledge, know that God has NOT given you a spirit of fear. You bow before no man. No agenda. No god, but Almighty God. Fear does not have to be your portion. You know that as a Believer, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah resides in you. As a child of God, you are seated in Christ, in heavenly places, above all attacks, all warfare, all onslaughts that could ever come your way. However, you make yourself vulnerable to all of this and more, when you deny the truth of God’s Word before the world.

God has indeed given you these platforms. Favour is a reward, yet it is also a test. Not just for you, but for everyone. Every good and perfect gift comes from God. I do not believe this platform is a tainted “gift” from the enemy. Yet you cater to his agenda, especially in this environment, when you refuse to speak the truth of God’s Word. God gives the favour, yet what we do with that favour - how we behave, how we speak, how we adjust - is what will determine if favour from God will continue to rain down on us.

The apostle Paul said that we should always have a ready defense for the faith we have (1 Pet. 3:15). He also said to, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth,” (2 Tim. 2:15). This isn’t just something for Fivefold ministers, but for all Believers. And all the more when we are given platforms as great as the ones you have.

We all know the song, “This Little Light of Mine.” We all have the opportunity to let it shine - regardless of how uncomfortable it may make someone else; regardless of how misinterpreted, mistaken, unappreciated, and even offensive it may seem. We can’t sing about Jesus and deny His Word. We can’t grieve His heart, and then expect Him to come down and live in us and move among us. This is effectively putting our light under a bushel.

I admonish you: DO NOT compromise because of the pressure! Lift Jesus up - and His Word! Continue to draw ALL men to Him. Lift up His truth. Lift up His standard. BE the standard. If we ask Him for the platforms, then we must be ready to bear the scrutiny and the weight and yes, the persecution, that comes with them. But Lauren, I believe that if you so choose, YOU ARE WELL ABLE!! Christ, the Hope of Glory, resides in you! How can you lose?

I ask that you please prayerfully and biblically restate your answer to the question of whether or not homosexuality it is a sin. “Have courage and be kind.” You can speak the truth in love. The enemy doesn’t play fair, but you can confront this AND win! The biggest glory will, of course, be awaiting you in Heaven, yet I believe God wants you to have some down here too. I believe that if you speak the truth of God’s Word in love that even though some doors will indeed shut to you, bigger and better ones will open to you because of your obedience to God’s Word! YOU ARE WELL ABLE!!! But the choice is yours. I pray that you would choose wisely, and be steadfast in your decision. The whole world may be watching, but if you speak the truth, all of Heaven will back you up!

Jesus said that He could only do and say what the Father does and says (John 5:19). This should be the standard for all of us. Speak on what He speaks on. Speak clearly what He speaks clearly. Speak loudly what He speaks loudly. Speak softly what He speaks softly. Follow His lead. No one else’s.

Speak, sing, and preach the truth in season and out, on TV or not, in interviews or not. You can do this, Lauren. You have a cloud of witnesses down here and above that will drown out all the hateful, nasty naysayers, if you would just speak God’s truth.

With Immense Love,


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